Teacher Resources

New Teachers Guide
Overview Welcome to Membean! This guide is designed to help teachers who are new to Membean get started on the right foot and will cover the flow of enrollment, training, assessments, and reports. Check out this video to learn how to g...
Returning Teachers Guide
Overview Welcome back to Membean! This quick-start guide will help you restart on the right foot. Be sure to check out the Success Checklist attached to the bottom of this article.  1. Delete Last Year's Classes It's best to ...
Teacher Quick Start
Overview We know you're strapped for time. This article will help you get set up on Membean quickly and easily. Getting Started Video This short video will walk you through all the steps from receiving your invitation email to ge...
Introductory Slideshow for Students
Overview You've got a lot on your plate. Let us take care of introducing Membean to students! This detailed introductory slideshow provides everything you need for a smooth start. Introductory Presentation Our introductory lesson...
Resources to Share with Parents
Overview Prepping for back to school night? Have a parent-teacher conference coming up? This article will provide some resources specifically designed for parents and guardians to familiarize them with what their students will be doing...
Membean Brochures
Overview Want to learn how Membean's word pages and our Adaptive Reinforcement Engine affect learning and long-term retention? Download these brochures to see how Membean creates better readers and writers. Related Articles Wha...
Materials for Offline Learning
Overview As many schools, parents, and individuals are relying more heavily on online learning, access and equity are important considerations. At Membean, we understand this and want to ensure that everyone has access to learning mate...
Membean Webinars
Overview Membean webinars provide a wealth of information that can help you make the most of Membean whether you're just getting started or you're looking to dive deeper into the program. In this article, we'll show you how...
How to Prepare Your Membean Account for Next Term
Overview Preparing your Membean teacher account for a new term is simple. This article will show you what you need to do to when you transition from one group of students to the next. Restore Student Training Settings Membean offers ...
Training on Membean During the Summer
Overview Students can train on Membean during their summer break, and there are many reasons to do so. This article will explain the benefits of training over the summer.  Why train over the summer?  Students need time over their bre...
Student Achievement Certificates
Overview Student Achievement Certificates can help you to recognize, motivate, and encourage your students. You can generate certificates by class, and each certificate is customized to showcase how many minutes the student has trained...
Integrating Membean into Your Curriculum
Overview We know you're always looking for new ways to increase student engagement with meaningful and rigorous activities. We've designed a variety of lessons to help you do just that. This article will give you fresh ideas an...
Simple Ways to Fit Training In
Overview You've got a lot on your plate, and we know it can feel tough to carve out time for vocabulary training. Here’s the good news: Membean is designed to be flexible. No matter your schedule, there’s a way to fit it in—and ple...