
In rare cases, you may need to create a printable offline assessment. Printable assessments should be used in special circumstances only, since scores from printable assessments will not be recorded on the student's account. This article will show you how to create printable assessments.

We make printable assessments available upon special request. Please email us at [email protected] to turn on this option for your account.

A One-Time Printable Assessment for a Single Student

You may need to create a one-time printable assessment in a case where a student cannot use a computer device for a short period of time.

  1. From the Assessments tab, click on the quiz that needs to be printed Click here to learn how to create a quiz.
  2. Use the drop-down menu to the right of the student and click Convert to Printable
  3. You can then use the same drop down menu to then click Print
  4. Click Print at the top of the screen and follow your browser's instructions to print the assessment. 

A One-Time Printable Assessment for the Entire Class

Check the printable assessment option when creating an assessment.

From the Assessment Summary page, check all of the students and select Print from the Bulk Actions menu. 

Permanent Printable Assessments for a Student

You can designate permanent printable assessments for a single student by adjusting their preferences. Enabling the Printable assessments option for a student means their quizzes will need to be printed going forward. 


If you are unable to print assessments from your browser, you can download the assessment as a PDF. Opening the assessment in a PDF viewer, like Adobe Acrobat, will allow you to print the downloaded assessment.