We know that assigning grades for training is often necessary. To make this process quick and easy, our Grade Calculator allows you to customize a grading formula tailored to your needs so we can handle the calculations. This article walks you through setting up the Grade Calculator and provides recommendations to ensure fair and effective grading.
Opt In to Grading
First, navigate to your class settings wheel and click Grading.
Next, click Set Up to begin customizing your grading formula.
Customize Your Grading Formula
- Choose Metrics: Select the Time and Quality metrics you want to include in your grades. Use the toggle to add or remove metrics.
- Set Weights: Assign a percentage weight to each metric. These weights must add up to 100%.
- Apply Across Classes: Check the boxes for the classes you want to apply this grading formula to and click Apply.
Grading Recommendations
Focus on Consistency: Grades should emphasize what matters most—consistent, quality training. We recommend setting the Goal Progress metric to account for 70% of the grade to prioritize regular training across each cycle.
Exclude Dubious Minutes: Enable the option to exclude dubious minutes. This ensure that only focused, quality training time contributes to student grades, promoting meaningful engagement.
Handle Accuracy with Care: Accuracy naturally fluctuates as students answer questions of varying difficulty, which is an integral part of the learning process. Mistakes are key to strengthening memory and deepening understanding. We recommend accuracy account for no more than 30% of the grade.
Set a Low Accuracy Threshold: We recommend setting a threshold around 65%. Any score above this threshold earns full credit. By focusing less on perfection and more on effort, you encourage students to embrace mistakes as part of their learning journey.
View Grades
Once you save your grading formula, a Grade column will automatically appear on your Training Report.
Click on any grade to see a detailed breakdown of how it was calculated.
Edit or Disable Grading
Click the settings wheel in your class and select Grading. Click Customize to edit your formula or Disable Grading to remove the Grade column from your Training Report.