
Some schools have firewalls (or proxies) that block website traffic. Sometimes Membean (and its dependent subdomains) need to be "whitelisted" to allow important (and safe) resources to pass through.

What to Whitelist

You can add the Membean dependencies by adding the following as pass-throughs to your firewall:

  • *.membean.com
  • cdnjs.cloudflare.com (dns speed-ups/protection)
  •  *.gstatic.com, *.googleapis.com (google charts, fonts)
  • *.freshdesk.com, *.freshworks.com (support ticketing/help system)
  • *.intercom.io (teacher help and notification)
  • *.pusher.com` and *.pusherapp.com (real-time info/updates)

Possible additions

  • sni.cloudflaressl.com (Membean https URLs managed by cloudfare)

Membean Emails

Please whitelist emails from *@membean.com.  We use this for support and for contacting teachers and students who reach out to us with questions. 


Please let us know if you see any traffic still being blocked by contacting [email protected]. Depending on your firewall software, you may need to also include the (top-level domain (TLD) in addition to a wildcard; e.g., include the wildcard *.googleapis.com and also the TLD googleapis.com.