
Assessments Guide
Overview Membean assessments are personalized for every student based on their individual training. Teachers can use a variety of options to customize these multiple-choice assessments. They are graded automatically and teachers can ac...
All About Assessments
Overview Membean offers auto-generated and graded assessments. These are personalized based on each student's individual training. This article will show you what to expect from Membean assessments. Click here for a more detailed g...
Creating an Assessment
Overview Assessments are a key feature of Membean, and they test your students on the words they've seen in their training. We recommend your students train consistently for at least one month before you issue your first assessment...
Scheduling and Editing Assessments
Overview While it's easy to generate a quiz on the spot, you may wish to schedule quizzes for later dates. This is beneficial because it means that you don't have to log in to your teacher dashboard to issue a quiz. This articl...
Modifying Assessments
Overview Assessments are differentiated by nature: each student will receive a unique quiz based on their own training. You can take this a step further by adjusting the length and difficulty of your assessments for specific students. ...
Issuing Assessments to Select Students
Overview There may be times when you need to issue an assessment to a single student or to a small group of students within your class. The most common case is when these students need to take the assessment earlier than the rest of th...
Reissuing Assessments
Overview At some point, you may need to reissue an assessment for a student or for multiple students. Various reasons can prompt a reissue: an assessment was marked as suspicious, the student missed the assessment window, or the studen...
Viewing Completed Assessments
Overview If you are issuing assessments to your students, you will need to be able to access the results in order to collect the scores. This article will explain how to do so. Viewing Class Assessment Results Click on the class you ...
Printing an Assessment
Overview In rare cases, you may need to create a printable offline assessment. Printable assessments should be used in special circumstances only, since scores from printable assessments will not be recorded on the student's accoun...
Quizzable Words
Overview Since our assessments are personalized, students only need to do their regular training to prepare for them. There is no additional assessment preparation necessary. A student must know a word relatively well for it to be cons...
Time Allowed for Assessments
Overview Membean assessments are timed and will auto-submit when the timer runs out. While you are able to extend the amount of time given to individual students, this article will inform you of the default amount of time given to stud...
Anti-Cheat Feature for Assessments
Overview Membean has an optional anti-cheat feature that you can enable for student assessments. This prevents students from tabbing out of the assessment, refreshing the page to extend their time, or minimizing their screen. If they d...
Read-Aloud Options for Assessments
Overview Some students require assessments to be read-aloud due to Individual Education Plans and other required testing accommodations. While Membean does not provide audio for assessments, you can enable highlighting on the quizzes s...
SATA Questions
Overview Select-all-that-apply (SATA) questions are available for all students. These questions are multiple-choice but could have one or more choices that are correct. This article will show you what these questions look like and how ...
Deleting a Student's Assessment
Overview You may run into a situation that requires you to delete an assessment for one or more students but not for the entire class. For example, you may want to delete an assessment when a student is absent to prevent them from taki...
Why We Don't Give Partial Credit
Overview This article explains why we don't give partial credit for SATA (select-all-that-apply) questions on quizzes.  Our reasoning It defeats the purpose of being able to select all that apply and only those that apply, whic...
Issuing Options for Assessments
Overview When creating a quiz, you will decide which students you would like the quiz to be issued to. This article will help you determine when you should issue a quiz to All Students, Prepared Students, or Specific Students. The Iss...
Reissuing vs. Creating Assessments for Specific Students
Overview At some point, you'll likely need to reissue an assessment or create an assessment for specific students within your class. This article will explain when it's best to reissue vs. create a new assessment.  Reissuing A...
Strict Assessment Readiness
Overview Strict Assessment Readiness helps you hold your students accountable for their training. Enabling it means only students who have met your time goals for the previous one, two, or three cycles will be issued an assessment. Thi...
Adjusting Your Assessment Expiry Window
Overview The Assessment Expiry Window is how long students have to complete a quiz. Once that time is up, any quizzes that haven't been started will expire. Any active quizzes will be auto-submitted, even if they are not complete. ...
Helping Students Who Struggle With Assessments
Overview Sometimes students struggle with their Membean assessments. This article reviews common causes for low assessment scores and provides recommendations to help students improve.  Poor Training Training is the most important pa...
Using the Word Info Box on Assessments
Overview The Word Info Box provides you with information about a student's history with each word on their assessment. This article will show you how to access this information.  Step 1: Go to the Assessment From the Assessments ...