
This article will show you how to reset student passwords in bulk. This feature is particularly useful if you'd like to reset all student passwords at the start of the year, in case your students forgot their passwords over summer.

Passwords will always be reset to firstname_lastname_schoolcode. For example, Harry Potter's reset password would be harry_potter_hogwarts. Passwords are case sensitive.

Step 1: Students Tab

From the Class Dashboard, navigate to the Students tab. 

Step 2: Select Students

Check the top box to select all of your students.

You can also use the individual checkboxes to select specific students.

Step 3: Reset Passwords

Use the Bulk Actions menu to select Reset Password.

Step 4: Confirm Reset

Click Reset Passwords.

Step 5: Have Student Log In

Students who were bulk reset will now be able to log in using firstname_lastname_schoolcode as the password. When they do this, they will be prompted to create a new password.