Your training cycle is the period of time that students have to complete their work. It automatically recurs to make grading and monitoring students easy for you. Although you can choose a training cycle up to 60 days, we highly discourage lengthy cycles. This article will explain why we recommend sticking with the default 7-day training cycle.
Consistent Training
Training on Membean consistently is crucial to success with the program. Gaps in training result in fewer words learned in the long run because training sessions will need to dedicate extra time to reinforcement to counteract those gaps. Having a 7-day cycle means that students are more likely to train consistently rather than cram. If they know they have an extended period of time to complete their work, they're less likely to get sufficient training in each week. The 7-day cycle helps to communicate that they should be training regularly.
Meaningful Data
Your Grading Report provides you with tons of valuable information about your students' training. With a 7-day cycle, you'll easily be able to identify poor training behaviors and be able to intervene when you notice suboptimal patterns. If you have a long training cycle, you'll have much more data to sift through to get to the core of a student's difficulties. Long cycles make it challenging to spot trends and intervene before too much time has passed. It also means that the loading time of your Grading Report will be slower, as more data must be pulled.
Clear Expectations
The student dashboard is designed to inform students of your expectations and how long they have to meet those expectations. With a 7-day cycle, they will see all of the days within the cycle on one screen in the Current Cycle section. This gives them a nice visual of their progress. With longer cycles, the student will see the beginning of the cycle and have to click the next arrow to view the cycle in its entirety. For example, here's a 28-day cycle. A cycle this long could require students to click the arrow four times to see the current date or get an idea of their training spread.