The IKT Button
Modified on: Tue, 8 Jun, 2021 at 2:21 PM
Initial calibration places you on a level based on your responses to a short list of words, and it's generally very effective at this initial placement. However, it cannot predict with 100% accuracy every word you may or may not know, so you may see words in the trainer that you don't need to study. The IKT--or "I Know This"--button gives you the choice to skip a word the first time you see it. This article will explain some of the ins and outs of the IKT button.
Words that are marked as IKT are fair game for assessments. Be cautious to only select IKT if you know a word well.
When to skip a word
IKT should only be used on words that you know well--if you have any doubts at all, don't select IKT. Before selecting IKT, read the definition of the word to make sure you truly know the meaning that is being taught. Only select IKT if you know the word well enough to use it in a sentence. IKT words will be removed from your training stream, so you will not see them again. IKT words are tested on quizzes to ensure that they are actually in your working vocabulary, hence skipping words via indiscriminate use of IKT is not a good idea!
How to skip a word
The IKT button always appears next to the headword in the upper right hand corner of a new word page. The IKT option is presented only when you see a new word for the first time, so you only get one chance to use it per word. Selecting IKT will have an immediate effect. After you select it, you'll be taken to the next item.

How to undo a skipped word
If you've accidentally marked a word as IKT, you can easily undo this. From your dashboard, navigate to the Words card and click All words learned. You will find all of your skipped words under Ready. Click the check box next to the word marked IKT to undo your skip.

Remember, IKT words also appear under the Quizzable tab because they can appear on assessments.
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