
Is someone else taking over the role of Department Chair? Does your administrator want access to your school's Membean dashboard? Does a special education teacher need to access many student accounts to ensure learning needs are met? This article will show you how to give another teacher at your school admin access. 

Only give admin access to people who have permission to view student data. Admin permissions grant access to student directory information such as names and emails, as well as details about assignment completion and assessment grades.

Step 1: Navigate to your School's Dashboard

From the first page of your dashboard, use the left-hand navigation panel to expand School and select My School

Step 2: Navigate to the Teachers Tab

Select the Teachers tab. 

Step 3: Change Admin Designation 

Find the teacher to whom you want to give admin access. Under the Admin column, click on No to open the drop down menu. Select Yes.

A green pop-up will appear to confirm that your changes have been saved.