
Teachers can view all progression and student data from their own dashboard. The data will always match what is shown on the student dashboard. This article will explain what is likely happening when a student claims their dashboard is showing something different than what your reports show.

It's impossible for Membean to lose student minutes. More information can be found here.

Possibility 1: The student has two accounts

  • Sometimes a student will accidentally create a duplicate account that isn't connected to your class and train on that account.
  • These instances need to be addressed as soon as possible, as we cannot combine accounts.
  • Please email [email protected] if you suspect that a student has a duplicate account.

Possibility 2: The student is manipulating their evidence

  • It is very easy to temporarily change HTML using a browser's "Inspect Element" function (Ctrl+Shift+I for PCs). Students can change any text on any browser page long enough to take a screenshot of it. A student may attempt to change the number of minutes on their dashboard and save the screenshot as evidence. Keep this in mind for all screenshots you receive from students, not just those from Membean! 
  • These local changes are not permanent, and the page will go back to normal once refreshed.
  • Do not depend on student screenshots as evidence. Email support at [email protected] if you have questions about dashboard inconsistency, or visit the student dashboard yourself.