Membean assessments are personalized for every student based on their individual training. Teachers can use a variety of options to customize these multiple-choice assessments. They are graded automatically and teachers can access results in class reports and downloadable spreadsheets. This guide will help you issue and manage assessments for your students.
1. Creating an Assessment
You can create an assessment for your class from the Assessments tab on each class dashboard. We recommend giving your first assessment after students have trained for at least one month. It takes a few weeks of diligent, consistent learning for a student to be assessment-ready.
- Click on the class for which you'd like to create an assessment.
- From the Assessments tab, click Create Assessment.
- Customize your assessment.
- Choose the total number of questions. We recommend increasing the length of assessments throughout the year to increase the rigor and reinforce vocabulary retention.
- Choose the number of SATA (select-all-that-apply) questions you'd like to include. These questions are very challenging. We don't recommend including SATA questions right away. Let students get comfortable with Membean quizzes first. When you're ready to up the challenge, start sprinkling some in.
- Choose how long you'd like the quiz to remain live for students. In the screenshot above, the students would have 48 hours to take the quiz, starting from the moment you click create.
- View which students are prepared for the quiz by clicking on the student count. Students are determined prepared based on how many quizzable words they have and your Strict Assessment Readiness settings.
- Choose to whom you'd like to issue the assessment: prepared students only, all students, or specific students. We recommend issuing assessments to prepared students only to help hold students accountable for their training. You can always reissue to unprepared students once they've completed their training.
2. Scheduling a Single Assessment
You can also schedule assessments ahead of time.
- From the Assessments tab, click Schedule Assessments.
- Choose the date, time, and parameters of your assessment. Setting "Repeat" to Does not repeat will schedule a single assessment at the date and time selected.
- Setting "Repeat" to Custom allows you to create a recurring schedule. You'll need to select how frequently you'd like the assessment to repeat and when the recurring schedule should end.
3. Click Schedule. Your assessment(s) will issue to students accordingly.
3. Editing Scheduled Assessments
You may need to edit an assessment once it's been scheduled.
- From the Assessments tab, click View Schedule.
To edit a single assessment, click on the assessment from the calendar view.
- Make your changes, and click Update.
Just need to change the date? From the calendar view, drag and drop the quiz to the new date.
If you need to edit all of the assessments in your schedule, it may be easier to clear your schedule and start over. Just click Clear Schedule.
4. Viewing Assessment Results
- From the Assessments tab, click on the assessment you'd like to view.
- The Assessment Summary page provides results and various options. You'll first see the list of students, their assessment status, their score, and how long they took to complete the quiz. The checkboxes to the left of their name allow you to take bulk actions such as bulk reissue and bulk delete. The dropdown to the right of the chart is where you can view, reissue, or delete a student's quiz.
- To the right of this chart, you'll see an overview of the assessment.
- A bar to help you see at a glance how much of your class has completed the quiz.
- Details about the assessment.
- The option to view scores as a percentage instead of total points.
- The ability to delete the assessment.
You'll see a gradebook-style view of the assessments given, including a column with each students' average score.
5. Reissuing an Assessment
You may need to reissue an assessment if a student is absent or if the student needs to retake the quiz.
- Open the assessment results for the quiz you would like to reissue.
- Locate the student who needs a reissue. Using the drop-down menu to the right of their name, click Reissue.
- If multiple students require a reissue, select the students using the check boxes. Click on the Bulk Actions menu and select Bulk Reissue.
When you reissue an assessment, whether individually or in bulk, you'll have the opportunity to adjust the number of questions, number of SATA questions, and how long you'd like the quiz to stay live:
6. Suspicious Assessments
If you have turned on Membean's anti-cheat feature, you'll see an assessment marked as suspicious if a student attempts to reload the page or navigate to another tab or window.
You can see if any of your students' quizzes were marked as suspicious from the Assessment Summary page.
- Open the assessment results for the quiz you would like to view.
- Suspicious assessments will be marked in red and say "Suspicious." If a student's assessment is marked suspicious and you'd like to give them another chance, you can reissue the assessment.
7. Studying for Assessments
Since our assessments are personalized, students only need to do their regular training to prepare for an assessment. There is no additional assessment preparation necessary.
- Quizzable Words: Students will only be assessed on words they have adequately learned. Learn about what constitutes a quizzable word here.
Words a student marked as IKT (I Know This) can appear on an assessment at any time. If necessary, you can disable the IKT option for a student.
Students' performance on assessments is related to how consistently they have trained. You can assure your students that if they have trained regularly, then they should not have to worry about preparing for assessments.
Students who Struggle with Assessments: Students may struggle with assessments for a variety of reasons, but studying their Quizzable Word list is not the answer. Here is some guidance on how to help students who are struggling with assessments.